
like i said before, i really like to try and test new things, linux distro tools are one of those things, i was waiting for the stable release of debian 10 for some time now, 6 july was the day of release, in my localtime(GMT+1) 6th of july was yesterday, i was opening debian website multiple time but nothing to be found, it was 6th july US localtime(i don’t now which local time that is).

i used the net install to install it, and i choose the gnome desktop and i disabled the print server on the window prompt to install software, all things went ok without hassle,

after that i used:

  su -

you are prompted to enter your password than after login succefully

VISUAL=vi visudo

i dont now how to used nano, this is why i’m adding VISUAL=vi

than i added

tunknwon ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

i saved and quit

after install the ram usage was about 850mB, way below the 1050mB of POP os 1804, even after install 3 gnome extension (arc menu, dash to panel and services systemd) and open-vm-tools-desktop

running free -m using termite terminal report 857/858 mB, installing termite was not straight forward, it ended compiling it with the help the error messages and some googling

How i nstalled it 🔗 🔗

i will keep it short by copy the step cli command i used:

sudo apt install -y build-essential
sudo apt-get install -y git g++ libgtk-3-dev gtk-doc-tools gnutls-bin valac intltool libpcre2-dev libglib3.0-cil-dev libgnutls28-dev libgirepository1.0-dev libxml2-utils gperf libtool
cd ~
git clone
echo export LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/include/gtk-3.0:$LIBRARY_PATH"
cd vte-ng
git checkout 0.56.2.a
sudo make && sudo make install
git clone --recursive
sudo make && sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

i think there is some unneeded tools but sorry i don’t have time to make it perfect