#History i’m a distro hobbist, i always won’t to try new distros, lattely i tried to test opensuse

installing opensuse on parallels :

i tried to install openuse (leap 42.3 ) on parallels(parallels desktop 13.1), install went smooth but when it come to installing parallels tools, i didn’t succeded, i tried everyting, running the installer using cli(to get the list of requirements), than install all requirements manually (step that i used to install parallels tools on centos wont work), i want through hell to simply install dkms, but i did it, and running the installer again, parallels tools wont install,

installing opensuse on vmware fusion

installing opensuse on fusion(vmware fusion 8.5.8) went smooth, i created a custom virtual machine than for the next step i choosed suse linux 64-bit, i configured my machine (created virtual disk, amount of ram and cpu and location of the iso file) than finish, after install finished i was suprised that durring install fusion has install vmwaretools (sorry unity does not work, for linux on vmware ), which made the experience pleasente, shared folder does not seem to work, but copy,paste(file or text) work and the experience is good.

if only vmware made unity working linux, it would be perfect.